Happiness is a state of mind : 8 ways you can achieve it

Understanding that happiness is a state of mind rather than something to be obtained is an important life lesson. It outlines eight ways you can consciously choose to be more joyful.

Happiness is the ultimate goal; it is something that all humans strive for. You'd think that after thousands of years, we'd be better at figuring out how to be happy and stay happy. So why is it so difficult to achieve, and why does it slip through our fingers so easily?

Personally, I've always wondered why some people appear happier than others, or why it's easier for them to maintain a positive attitude. We all have positive and negative experiences as we go through life, so why do we react so differently to them?

Science has discovered that our genes play a role in our happiness. According to researchers, genetics account for 50% of happiness, and personal circumstances account for 10%. (like our financial position, where we live, family ties, etc.). That means we are responsible for the remaining 40%, and happiness is a state of mind that can be attained through the right choices and attitude.

"Happiness is a state of mind, a choice, a way of life; it is not something to be achieved, it is something to be experienced," best-selling author and behavioral scientist Steve Maraboli once said. So, let's look at how you can change your way of life and find happiness in the things you encounter.

Happiness is a state of mind: 8 essential hints
True happiness is not a passing feeling, but rather something that guides our thoughts and reactions to what happens in our lives. Many of our decisions are unconsciously made. This is how our brains work, which is a good thing because we wouldn't be able to function otherwise. However, we have the ability to make conscious choices to ensure that happiness is a state of mind in our daily lives. Here are eight ideas to help you get there.

1. Deceive your mind
With a single gesture, you can fool your brain into thinking happiness is a state of mind. Indeed, several studies have shown that smiling sends positive feedback to the brain, even when forced! This is due to the brain's ability to detect cues from our bodies and generate specific moods by releasing a slew of feel-good hormones. According to other studies, smiling reduces stress by slowing our heart rate. So, simply putting on a happy face can lift your spirits when you need it the most.
Stay smiling: happiness is a state of mind

2. Take stock of your blessings
When we are down, it is easy to focus on what we don't have and believe that we will be happy once we have it. Instead, consider the things you already have that make life worthwhile. And don't just consider them; write them down. If you haven't already started a gratitude journal, now is the time. Writing therapy can help you strengthen your appreciation for the good things in life and become more aware of thought patterns that prevent you from having a happy mindset. Happiness is a state of mind that occurs when positive thoughts are fed into your brain!

3. Start your day the right way
Instead of starting the day in a rush, set the alarm 10 or 15 minutes before your usual wake-up time and get in the habit of meditating. With some practice, this will give you greater clarity so you can appreciate the best things in life and become stronger in the face of adversity. There are many useful techniques, but mindfulness meditation is particularly good at training your brain to perceive that happiness is a state of mind. can appreciate the best things in life and become stronger in the face of adversity. There are many useful techniques, but mindfulness meditation is particularly good at training your brain to perceive that happiness is a state of mind.

4. Alter your perspective
I went through a rough patch a few years ago and hated everything. The dreary British weather didn't help matters. The lack of color and sunlight got the best of me and exacerbated other issues I was dealing with. I was flying to see relatives one day when we pushed through clouds and I found myself floating in a sunny, peaceful space. All I had to do to enter a different world was the gain altitude.

"With a single gesture: a smile, you can trick your brain into thinking happiness is a state of mind."

The metaphor is self-evident: viewing things from a different "altitude" can alter our perception of the world. It may take some practice, but once you get the hang of it, you'll realize that happiness is a state of mind that is determined by your perspective.

5. Seek and provide assistance
Isolation and loneliness are all around us, and they can make us unhappy even when we have reasons to be happy. We may not want to socialize when we are down, but we should not close the door on those who care about us. Improving the quality of our interactions with others is a critical step if you want to truly understand what happiness is.

Sharing feelings can help strengthen bonds and make people feel supported, as well as create positive feedback loops in yourself and others. Why not organize some exercise or meditation sessions with your friends, or start a new hobby together?

6. Perform one act of kindness every day.
A friend of mine was going through a difficult situation a few months ago, but she didn't want the circumstances to take over her life. Even though she didn't want to leave the house, she decided to go out every Tuesday and do something nice for others. She's since become known as the "Happy Tuesday lady," and her mental health has improved dramatically! And it's no surprise. Science proves that the power of kindness exists; being nice has been shown to improve your mood, lower stress, and reduce anxiety, among other benefits.
Showing kindness boosts happiness levels 

7. Look for meaning and purpose.
Many people go through their lives doing what they're supposed to do. Do your actions give you a sense of meaning or purpose? Otherwise, you're missing out on the road to happiness. Exploring and discovering what we're here for and what we can contribute to the world - or at least to those around us - is one of life's greatest joys.

8. Reduce sources of unhappiness
Happiness is a state of mind that requires good habits to sustain, and spending too much time on social media is not one of them. For many people, social media is a source of unhappiness and insecurity, and it can contribute to depression. According to research, the constant need to compare our lives to the lives of others creates a deep sense of dissatisfaction and causes us to lose sight of the blessings we already have.

In conclusion, happiness is a state of mind.
I won't deny it: life isn't always easy, and it can be downright difficult and frustrating at times. The pursuit of a happy state of being is ongoing. It will not happen overnight, and you must be prepared to face setbacks. Obstacles along the way do not imply that there is no hope or that you are losing the battle.

Even in difficult times, you can accumulate the resources required to realise that happiness is a state of mind. According to Dale Carnegie, "it's not what you have, who you are, where you are, or what you're doing that makes you happy or unhappy; it's what you think about it."
Happiness is a state of mind, that has nothing to do with the external world.” - Lord Krishna 
Your happiness rests within you.
